English Summer Camps 2023
English Camp ( with native speakers)
English Camp (with native speakers)
August 19th - 25th 2023
- Where: Pardubické chaty, Příchovice, Jizerské hory
- children 6 - 15 years
- morning english program with native speakers
- afternoon and evening camp program led by Czech instructors, together with native speakers
- camp game
- 5 meals/ day, drinks all-day long, gluten free meal possible -no extra costs
- 7 days full of games, sports, fun, friends and unforgotable memories
- extrs: disco, nigt game and special surprise
- accomodation in 2-5 bed rooms with bathroom
- bus transportation to and from Slaný included
- medical supervision
- capacity 35 children
- last years´ photots : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=SmartCampsCZ&set=a.3189800854469263
PRICE CZK: 7590,- /child, bus transport included
English Teens Camp
English Teens Camp (with native speakers)
August 12th - 19th 2023
Where: Pardubické chaty, Příchovice, Jizerské hory
- children 11 - 16 years
- morning English program with native speakers ( projects, workshops, quizes, games and CONVERSATION)
- afternoon program with Czech instructors and native speakers
- 7 days full of sports, fun, friends, games...and a surprise as every year :-)
- escape game
- accomodation in 2-8 bed rooms, shared bathrooms ( some rooms with private bathroom)
- 5 meals/ day, drinks all-day long ( gluten free or vege meals possible - upon request, no extra costs)
- transportation to and from Slaný included
- medical supervision
- max 30 children
PRICE CZK: 7990,- / child ( bus transport included)
English Family Camp
Family Camp
RELAX for adults, fun, entertainment and education for children
August 19th - 25th 2023
Where: Pardubické chaty, Příchovice, Jizerské hory
We take care of your children all day long, while you can RELAX and enjoy the beautiful nature of the Chzech mountains Krkonoše
- children 5- 15 years
- morning english program with native speakers
- afternoon and evening program led by Czech instructors, together with native speakers
- camp game
- 7 days full of games, sports, fun, friends and unforgotable memories
- extras: disco, nigt game and a special surprise
- 5 meals / day for children, drinks all-day long
- Half-board for adults
- gluten free meal possible, no extra costs
- accomodation in 2-5 bed rooms with bathroom PRICE CZK: 7200,- / child
4000,- / adult / Half-board
Day Camps in Slaný
Day Camps in Slaný
Fairytales and much more
children 4 - 10 years
Terms to be published in January
SmartCamps z.s., Slaný
- day program from Monday - Friday, 8.30am -4.00 pm
- 10 English lessons, camp program
- trips, sports, fun, games, friends and unforgotable memories
- ...and surprise...of course :-)
- lunch, drinks, entrance fees, travel costs, treats and all materials included
- capacity 18 children
PRICE CZK: 3500,- / child